Welcome To Data Visions

Data Visions is a leading provider of open interest data analysis services.

We specialize in offering comprehensive and accurate data analysis solutions for traders in the options market.

Our cutting-edge technology and expertise enable us to deliver valuable insights and actionable guidance to our clients.

Mission and Vision

Mission: To empower option traders with advanced data analysis tools and strategies, enabling them to make informed decisions and achieve success in their trading endeavors.

Vision: To become the go-to resource for option traders worldwide, recognized for our exceptional data analysis capabilities and commitment to client satisfaction.

Core Values

Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do, consistently delivering high-quality data analysis services to our clients.

Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards, maintaining transparency and honesty in all our interactions.

Innovation: We embrace innovation and continuously explore new technologies and methodologies to enhance our data analysis solutions.

Collaboration: We foster a collaborative environment, working closely with our clients and partners to achieve mutual success.

Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize our clients' needs and provide personalized solutions tailored to their specific requirements.


Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals in the field of OI data analysis and options trading.

Each team member brings a unique set of expertise and a passion for delivering exceptional results.

We work together cohesively, leveraging our collective knowledge and skills to provide the best possible solutions for our clients.


Sunil Bhatti, CEO

Sunil Bhatti

Founder & CEO

In 2023, Sunil established Data Visions Academy after enduring a decade of obstacles as a trader. His aim was to provide a solution to the challenges he and others in his field faced. Currently, DataVisions has revolutionized the landscape of option trading by filtered OI data.

He demonstrates a tremendous passion for gaining knowledge and enhancing himself.

Parth Jetani, Chief Technology Officer

Parth Jetani

Co-founder & CTO

The Mastermind behind Our Technology and Products, Parth has been honing his skills since his teenage years and continues to innovate every day. With a wealth of experience, expertise, authority, and trust, He is the driving force behind our company's success.

A lifelong learner with an insatiable curiosity, Parth's quest for Technology improvement has led him on an extraordinary journey.